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Riding stables in Tyrol: Riding? Rest? Relaxation? Right!

‘On the back of horses lies the happiness of this earth’ - we would like to share this attitude towards life with you. At the riding stables in Tyrol you have the opportunity to trot over wide green meadows, to cross snowy landscapes, or to ride along the shores of Lake Hintersteiner when riding on one of our beautiful Haflinger horses. What is always in view while at our riding stables in Tyrol? The fantastic mountain world of the Wilder Kaiser! Of course, you can have your first experiences with horses during your holiday in Söll. Please note that we currently don’t offer riding lessons. As an experienced rider, you can also go for long rides around our hotel in Söll. We guarantee: Riding on the Wilder Kaiser means pure relaxation. Visit our riding stables in Tyrol!

Haflinger stud farm & riding stables in Tyrol: the ‘golden’ horses

The Haflinger is a symbol for the Tyrolean Alps. It is not for nothing that the animal is described as a living Tyrolean cultural asset. For many years the Hochfilzer family has successfully bred the ‘golden’ horses and places particular emphasis on movement and elegance at their riding stables in Tyrol. It goes without saying that the horses of our riding stables in Tyrol are kept in a species-appropriate and natural way: ‘Our horses enjoy daily exercise in our paddocks directly on the riding farm in Tyrol or on the fenced riding arena.’

Adventure, but also rest and recuperation at the riding stables near Ellmau

Riding in the Wilder Kaiser region means adventure, but also relaxation is not neglected. There is no other sport where you can enjoy nature as close as on horseback. Even if you prefer to watch the animals in complete relaxation from your chalet in Söll, you can feel the soothing peace that the horses radiate. Many of our guests book their holiday at our riding stables in Tyrol for this very reason, although they are not passionate horse lovers.

Would you like to know more about our horses, our success in breeding horses, or about our riding stables in Tyrol? On our website Haflinger Hochfilzer you can read more.
